Thursday, January 11, 2007

David Arquette On Jennifer Aniston

David Arquette dropped by Howard Stern's Sirius Satellite radio show last Wednesday morning and here's a partial interview highlights:

On Jen and Brangelina:
Howard: How hard it must have been for you, your wife is best friends with Jennifer Aniston, so you're in the middle of that whole thing.
David: Jennifer's great. When the marriage ended, it was sad.

Howard: Do you have to act like Brad's an ass all the time?
David: No, I love Brad, he's a great guy. He did some stuff that hurt our friend, but you know...

Howard: Do you ever see Jen cry?
David: No, no, never, not one tear shed.

Howard: There was speculation that the whole Vince Vaughn thing wasn't true, that they never actually dated.
David: No, no, they dated, they really cared about each other.

Howard: How did you hear that Brad split? Did Courtney tell you?
David: Um, we knew, we all knew about it.

Howard: When did you find out he was sleeping with Angelina, did you know that?
David: That part was pretty much a surprise.

Howard: Did you give Jen advice, talk to her about her marriage?
David: In general, I think that if something's not working out between people, you just move on.

Howard: Well they were working until Angelina came along..
David: Yeah, they wouldn't have broke up if not for that. [laughs]

But all kidding aside with this whole thing, Jennifer is the greatest girl. Those magazines, they take something and it's working for them so they play it out, but she's not really that sad about the whole thing. She's the greatest, she's such a sweetheart, she's so funny.

Howard: I don't think Jen should hate her, she should hate Brad not Angelina.
David: I don't think Jennifer hates her either, I don't think it's like that. The way they depict it is completely wrong. She's a very strong woman, she's totally solid and she's just got a great attitude.

Howard: Have you talked to Brad?
David: I spoke to him once. We didn't actually speak, I texted him, I just said congratulations on the baby and he wrote back.

On his marriage and sex life:
Howard: You and Courtney still go to therapy?
David: Yeah, we go to therapy once in a while.

Howard: Why?
David: Just stress from work. But I'm happy, don't get me wrong, I love her.

Howard: Have you ever cheated on her?
David: Never! I've never had sex with anyone else.

Howard: How do you keep your sex life hot, does she dress up in little costumes?
David: No, she doesn't dress up, she's not a dress up kind of girl. I'll put on a cowboy hat once in a while.

Howard: Do you fantasize about other women?
David: No, never. I don't think in those terms anymore, when I was single I was crazy, but when I got engaged, I changed my whole attitude.

Source and Pic

Well there you go guys. Jen is doing okay. I wonder if Davis is pretty much protecting Jen here. I don't blame him and as a friend, a good friend at that, he should. So I guess we will not see Jen vs Angie catfight any time soon.

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