Monday, March 26, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith Autopsy Report!!!!

According to Dr. Joshua Perper:

- ANS died as a result of accidental overdose
- No evidence of disease
- At the time of death, she was on methadone, anti-depressants, growth hormones, and weight loss pills
- She injected growth hormones (for weight loss), either ammuno-globulin or another longevity drug into her ass cheek before she came to the States
- She complained about the injection site on the flight to Fort Lauderdale, and in the limo from the airport, she had chills and was cold. When she arrived at the hotel she was spiking a fever. She was asked by HKS and others to go to the hospital and she firmly refused, according to all witness statements.
- At that time her shrink friend prescribed flu drugs, put her in an ice bath, and was gave her chlora hydrate
- She could not eat, only could have fluids. But by Wednesday, she was doing better.
- On Thursday, the day she died, ANS was awake, talked to HKS, he helped her to the bathroom, she was coherent but weak, then she came back and went to bed. That was the last he saw of her.
- ME confirmed there was no delay in talking her to the hospital, and she was not dead when paramedics arrived
- No abscess visible on the buttocks, but when sliced open, they found major scarring, abscesses and hemoraging from it. The high fever was due to the perforation of the abscess and the leaking of blood but there was no blood poisoning.
- 9 prescriptions drugs found in her blood stream (ativan, valium, benadryl, etc) but all were at therapeutic levels.
- High doses of chlora hydrate were found (metabolites) in her system (these pills are broken down very fast, and this is why they weren't found in the initial autopsy) and the official cause of death is:

Combined drug intoxication. The reaction of the sleeping pills plus the levels of all the therapeutic drugs in her system, is what killed her. Add on a raging flu and a slight infection from the abscess and thus we have Anna Nicole, dead of an accidental overdose.

- Homicide and suicide were considered and nothing points to that. The levels of the drugs were not high enough for an overdose, accidental or otherwise. Was a fluke that the pills she had reacted badly with the sleeping pills she was newly on. No suggested force feeding, and no way to "slip her" the sleeping pills due to the horrid taste.

According to Chief of Seminole police Charlie Tiger:

- No evidence of illegal drugs
- No foul play
- Nothing unusual on security camera tapes from hotel
- Nothing on HKS's or ANS's laptop, but these were the new evidence delaying the autopsy
- Accidental overdose according to Charlie Tiger
- No criminal charges to be laid at this point

I still say she was murdered.

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