Friday, March 02, 2007

Bobby Brown Is A Loser

After being bailed by a radio station, Hot 99.5, for not paying child support of $19,150, in exchange for a week of interviews to which Bobby Brown agreed thus his ass is no longer in jail, Bobby looks like bailed out on the radio station. A listener reported this:

I was listening to Hot 99.5 this morning on my way to work and they had Bobby on the phone. He was in Massachusetts for a basketball game that Bobby Christina was cheering at. Once Kane got him on the phone he started asking him about all the negative press he receives and how he was going to turn his trip to DC into something positive. Bobby basically told Kane not to ask him personal questions like that! He said that somebody else had bailed him out of jail that night before and he was “getting paid” to appear on the radio show rather than that money going to his children. Bobby then hung up on Kane and I don’t think he is coming to DC anymore! They tried getting his attorney on the phone but then it went to commercial. All of this is going on as I write this. The DJ’s even said they are going to call Dog the Bounty Hunter on his ass to get their money back!

LOL, the radio station got totally screwed!!!!!! They should have left that loser in the slammer where he belongs..... or they should have given him a job cleaning toilets where we know he'll be doing a year from now.... just a guess.


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