Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Drama And More Drama For Britney

Fadedyouth reports:

The drama never seems to stop in the world of Britney Spears.

The newly rehabilitation singer was caught up in a gun scare after a security guard threatened to shoot a photographer trying to snap her.

The undercover officer aimed his weapon at the paparazzo and shouted: "Get out of your car, get down."

He then handcuffed him and accused him of trying to run over a traffic policeman before finally releasing him.

It all went down when Britney was trying to leave a service at a church in Hollywood.

Mike Hooper, executive director of the Bela Air Presbyterian Church, said: "One photographer was on the wrong side of the road and tried to run over an officer who had stopped traffic. He kept coming and one of our guards pulled a gun out. I cannot speak for the security officer but he does not regret it. This is a church, not a concert."

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