Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Jennifer Hudson's Defends Herself

From Jennifer Hudson's MySpace Blog:

More Rumors

hey guys. once again i think its time to address these rumors thats been going on about me. there are 3 main ones that has been floating around and i want to address them personally so you guys can know the truth

1.) i turned down a movie role for 3 million dollars because of a nude scene and i wasnt the person getting nude. nothing about that is true. i want to do my album. and my fans have waited so patiently for me to put out an album and i appreciate everyone of you, thats why im focused on putting out my first project. and yes i will continue to still do movies.

2.) all of the american idol stuff and burger king comments. i never said anything about if i was better at burger king i would not be there either. and yes i did say american idol was a stepping stone. which it is! i didnt mean it in a bad way. and as i said in my previous interviews american idol is a stepping stone because had it not been for them no one would of knew of a jennifer hudson to call to audition for dreamgirls! its like everything i say referring to the show gets twisted around and makes me look like im being arrogant and a "diva", since alot of people seems to have that opinion about me and that is not me at all. im not bothered by these rumors because im use to it but i do read the boards and i see my fans are upset by some of the negative rumors concerning me and that is what hurts me the most is to see people who care about me being impacted by all of this.

3.) the soul train awards show and me trying to sabotoge it by not showing up. only thing i can say to this is that i was there! and i appreciate being honored there just as much as i appreciated being honored at the all the award shows i attended. but once again im just writing this for my fans, supporters, and friends who want to know the truth. i am a person with feelings and although i have been warned that things like this would happen to me. and since i am new to this let me be the first to tell you that i have sat back not to long ago just like you guys .I read things about my favorite artist and let me tell you since im experiencing this first hand you guys cant believe everything you read because its not true. o one more thing. im grateful for all my blessings and i thank God for it everyday and no amount of fame will ever go to my head and make me think that im better than anyone because we are all equal. and as quickly as God gave everything he has given me he can take it away!

Thank God..... I was seriously starting to believe all the rumors. So I'm back to Team Jennifer Again!!!!!!

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