Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Robbie Williams at "Dancing With The Stars"

Popwatch reports:

EW: What brings you out tonight, Robbie?
Robbie Williams: Well, I've met Joey [Fatone] quite a few times before. He's a really lovely guy. And I love rubbish television. So he and I were out in the same place last week [Hollywood hotspot Les Deux], and I thought I'd combine my liking Joey with my liking crap television by visiting both of the same time.

EW: Any idea what the reaction has been in England to Heather Mills being on the show?
RW: I honestly don't know. I've been living here for the last few years.

EW: Did you ever have a chance to work with Simon Cowell?
RW: No, but I've met him a few times and I like him. Simon was quoted as saying, "Britney Spears and Robbie Williams just need to get their s--- together and go spend a few weeks with their mothers." He's usually right about things, he's probably right about that.

EW: How are you doing post-rehab?
RW: It's going really good. I got the train back on the track. I've been sober since February 13. Almost two months and look at me, I'm brand spanking new again!

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