Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Someone Is Prepping For A New Video

Breaking news! The polyester weave looks freshly brushed and dirt-free! Don't get too comfortable with Brit Brit's new tamed possum's nest. I'm sure it's already knotted up with Cheetos stuck in it and shit.

Brit Brit left a salon in Beverly Hills yesterday looking pretty clean. Hazmat does really good work! You know it takes like 5 bitches to do her weave. One bitch to hold her down, one to brush her weave down with a garden rake, one to pop Rollitos in her mouth every 5 seconds, one to give oxygen to the bitches working on her and one to play "Itsy Bitsy Spider" with her.

Whenever she smiles, I always imagine the sound "durrrr" playing in her head over and over again. Aww...she actually doesn't look like she's just crawled out from the bayou. Hopefully, she can keep it up by washing regularly and taking a hot comb to that yarn mop every now and again.


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