Monday, October 13, 2008

Zac Efron To Go Nude?????

I like where Broadway is going. I applaud celebrity dudes getting on stage and showing their wangs to a live audience. This is what theater needs. However, Zac Efron's peen is not the dick I had in mind to replace DanRad's wang in "Equus" on Broadway.

Zac tells The Sun that he's ready to shed his goody-goody Disney image by exposing his skin lipstick on the Great White Way. Zac says, "You know that Daniel Radcliffe role on Broadway, well it's been mentioned.”

I know some of you whores are producing massive amounts of panty pudding over this bit of news, but think it through. There's no way Zac is going to show off his man clit in its natural state. This is the Cover Girl princess we're talking about. The peen is going to be covered in powder, foundation, bronzer, mascara, lipstick, false eyelashes and glitter. It's not going to look like a beautiful penis. It's going to look like fucking Xtina.


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