Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Johnny Depp The Good Father

Johnny Depp refuses to go back to work until his sick little girl is fully recovered.

The actor has vowed to keep a vigil by his daughter Lily-Rose's bedside until she is given the all-clear, meaning shooting for 'Sweeney Todd', has been put on hold indefinitely.

Lily-Rose was admitted to a London hospital two weeks ago, reportedly suffering from blood poisoning after stepping on a rusty nail.

Johnny, 43, collected his seven-year-old daughter from hospital last Thursday (08.03.07) and took her to the London hotel where he is staying with his family.

DreamWorks staff have been told that unless Johnny returns to the set at Pinewood Studios this weekend they could find themselves temporarily out of work.

A film source told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "Johnny does not want to come back until Lily-Rose gets the all-clear. The plan is to re-employ everybody when she is better."


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