Wednesday, June 25, 2008

John Mayer Feels "Awesome"

In a new interview, John Mayer opens up about the public’s fascination with his relationship with Jennifer Aniston.

He says his current tour is meant to reinforce “the message that I’m a musician, because there’s been a lot of periphery lately. I don’t have a problem with my privacy as much as I have a problem with people messing with my message. If you’re going to take pictures of me doing mundane stuff, will you at least take pictures of me playing guitar? Because right now it looks like all I do is drink coffee and do dry cleaning and go eat dinner.”

Asked specifically about Miss Aniston, John says, “All I can tell you is that I have made every decision in my life with complete authenticity. My feet are firmly on the ground. If you do things from the heart, it feels awesome.”

Faded Youth

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