Monday, April 20, 2009

Rubina Ali's Father Arrested For Trying To Sell Her

Over the weekend, The News of the World ran a story about how they went undercover as a sheik to negotiate the sale of Rubina Ali, the adorable girl in Slumgdog Millionaire, with her daddy. After reading about this NOT RIGHT shit, Rubina's mother not only busted some ass, but she also reported it to the police. The cops in India immediately arrested Rubin's father, Rafiq Qureshi, and interrogated him for several hours. The Sun says the cops are now trying to get a hold of some recordings between the fake sheik and Rafiq and his brother, who were also working on the sale.

Rubin's mother said she heard about this craziness a couple of weeks ago, but didn't think Rafiq would go through with it. Rafiq still denies away that he was ever planning to sell Rubina, but he did confess to meeting with the sheik and his wife at a fancy hotel. Rafiq said, "I politely said Rubina is happy with me and wanted to leave. After this they made an offer of money in English which I did not understand. Then they requested me to leave her there overnight and take her in the morning. I refused and took Rubina away with me."

A friend of the family said Rubina thinks the whole thing is kind of hilarious and said to her daddy, "Father, how did you land in trouble - because of me?"

The producers of Slumdog Millionaire plan to visit Rubina next month. They are trying to get a hold of the family to see what actually went down.

You know, something in the milk ain't clean about this story. Rubina is a star in India, so why would her father try to sell off his future money maker? Maybe some shit got lost in translation
? Lease, yes. Sell, why? White Oprah is scratching her coke hole over that one.


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